BSP-Nepal has been working with RAIN Foundation since 2004 and is a trusted partner, with several years of experience with the implementation of rainwater harvesting systems and biogas systems. BSP-Nepal works throughout Nepal. Biogas Sector Partnership Nepal (BSP-Nepal) is the implementing agency of Biogas Support Programme (BSP) Phase-IV. BSP-Nepal was established as an NGO in 2003 to take over the implementation responsibility of BSP, which formerly was managed directly by the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV).
Since BSP-Nepal took over the responsibilty of implementing BSP Phase-IV, it very much considers itself responsible for the development of the biogas sector, further strengthening and expanding the sector while at the same time interlinking it with the issues of other development sectors. Further, it has also embarked on promotion of rain waterharvesting systems and linking it with biogas promotion in areas where water is scarce.